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Forward to the Roots
Witchburn is a new distillery in the time-honored Campbeltown whisky region! True to the motto „Forward to the Roots" we will produce a Scotch Single Malt Whisky with methods from many decades ago. In doing so, we will rely on state-of-the-art engineering to achieve this in a sustainable, carbon-neutral manner and without the use of fossil fuels, making us one of the most modern distilleries in the country.

With Witchburn, we want to do our part to bring the glory days back to Scotland's former whisky capital Campbeltown, when there were more than 30 active distilleries.

Hey there, things are really starting to ramp up at Witchburn! We're super excited to fill you in on all the big stuff happening as we make our dreams a reality. Get ready for some seriously cool updates!

So, guess what's up next? We're getting started on beefing up the floor with some serious piling action to make sure our distillery stands strong for years to come.
And then, we're diving into the wild ride of installing steel beams. It's gonna happen in three big phases, each one a major checkpoint on our construction adventure.
But wait, there's more! This month, the long-awaited distillery gear is finally rolling in. Brace yourselves for some serious hustle as we kick off the thrilling task of putting it all together!

Below see the images of various parts of our equipment from our workshop.

Right up front, we've got the big guy: the mash tun. It's a real beast of a machine and it's gonna be the heart and soul of everything we do here. Keep your eyes peeled as it gets settled in, marking the start of something seriously awesome.
And the excitement doesn't stop there! With 16 washbacks and the majestic stills soon to follow, the heartbeat of our distillery will soon echo through our walls.
As we're putting all our gear together, we're also planning to be hooking up the heat recovery system, boiler, and all those fancy automation controls that will lay the foundation for an operation that's as efficient, and sustainable as it is innovative.

As we roll into summer, our journey's just getting started! Hang tight for more updates as we dive into this brilliant adventure together!

We are really thrilled to begin making our dreams a reality. Thank you for your support, and for being a part of our journey.

Black Witchburn distillery logo on a yellow background
Forward to the Roots
Witchburn is a new distillery in the time-honored Campbeltown whisky region! True to the motto „Forward to the Roots" we will produce a Scotch Single Malt Whisky with methods from many decades ago. In doing so, we will rely on state-of-the-art engineering to achieve this in a sustainable, carbon-neutral manner and without the use of fossil fuels, making us one of the most modern distilleries in the country.

With Witchburn, we want to do our part to bring the glory days back to Scotland's former whisky capital Campbeltown, when there were more than 30 active distilleries.

The word Witch originally meant folk healers, mostly 'wise woman', using herbs and power of imagination. Previously amongst the most respected people in village life.

The word Burn comes from Scots Gaelic and means a naturally occurring freshwater stream or very small river that flows into a larger river. Frequently used in Scotland to describe a geographic area - 'Burnside', the area next to the burn or 'Northburn fam' - the farm north of the burn.

Stay tuned for more Information!
Between Campbeltown Airport and the village of Machrihanish, close to the open sea, we are planning the conversion of a large vacant building complex for the construction of distillery and additional warehouses.

We are looking forward to keeping you informed as we progress with the construction of Witchburn Distillery. To keep you updated, you can subscribe to our newsletter here:

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